Welcome to the homepage of the Hydroclimate Extremes Research Group, part of the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at the University of Wisconsin.
We work in a number of research areas, including:
- Measurement, modeling, and analysis of extreme rainfall at high resolution using a variety of sources including rain gages, ground-based weather radar, satellite-based sensors, and numerical weather and climate models.
- Understanding the role of rainfall and soil moisture variability and structure and their interactions with watershed properties to produce floods at a wide range of scales using high-resolution multi-scale supercomputer-based watershed models.
- Interfacing with meteorologists and climate scientists to translate projected changes in extreme precipitation from regional and global climate models into projections of future risks.
- Developing practical tools for improved probabilistic rainfall and flood hazard and risk estimation, including in urban areas, ungaged watersheds, and developing countries.
In addition, we are expanding our expertise into new areas, including:
- Understanding the role of rainfall variability and structure as a driver of watershed functions and multiscale water and energy fluxes.
- Estimating the economic and social impacts of current and future flood threats, as well as the benefits of financial and infrastructure-based risk management strategies.
We invite discussion and collaboration on these topics and any others. Those interested in undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate research opportunities should feel free to contact us about possible openings. Our studies, datasets, and codes can be made available upon request.
NOTE: We are currently looking for talented undergraduate, masters, and PhD students. All are welcome to apply but those with strong backgrounds in hydrology or atmospheric sciences are particularly encouraged. Experience in computer programming and data analysis, or a keen willingness to learn these skills, is critical.Please contact Dr. Wright if you are interested in applying or would like to find more information.